Hey Friend,
Today is my half-birthday. I don’t *really* celebrate but I have been thinking about my actual birthday in recent days because this is the year I turn my last “twenty-something.” I will be 29 in October and there’s something weird, exciting, and bittersweet about entering into my last year before my 30s. I’ve lived a lot of life in my twenties and some of it was very good and some of it was very hard. I’ve buried friends, lost friendships, had challenging seasons of working several jobs, failed relationships, lost my two babies and the list goes on.
But, I also met and married my husband, had wonderful jobs, made good friends, experienced beautiful places, grew in my faith in a way I never saw coming, and celebrated birthday number twenty-eight with my baby girl sleeping in her wrap on me while I ate good food. My twenties have been both hard and good, and most of all defining for me and my faith.
How about you, friend?
What’s a birthday that has felt important or defining?
I’m honestly looking forward to my next decade when it’s time to enter it. I’m excited for embracing a more settled life, growing in my mothering and supporting my husband in his future plans and dreams, and continuing to find joy in God no matter what circumstances lay before me. Maybe I’ll start a new hobby or play Pickleball, who knows? :)
- Talitha